
A Chara,

Following recent discussions Ardclough CLG and Kill CLG are pleased to announce our amalgamation as Killard CLG.

The officers of both clubs believe for the development of all our players and football teams in general, this amalgamation is a positive move going forward.

Killard football teams will be competing in Division 2 league competitions and B Championship competitions. We look forward to all existing players and new players to the club competing, training and playing for Killard.

The officers have also agreed on several of points that players and parents should be aware of;

  • Players will be asked to contribute €2 towards the referees fee for all home fixtures.
  • We would hope that players would make themselves available for selection to panels one age above their own panel. E.G. A player born in 1997 and playing U16 should be available for selection to the Minor panel.
  • Home fixtures  will be played in Kill or Ardclough and this will vary from team to team.
  • Training times and locations will alternate at the discretion of the Panel management teams.
  • Our players will be provided with socks and shorts. They must wear this gear to all home and away fixtures.

The amalgamation will apply to the following Football panels.
U15 Management Team; Gary Ryan 0863871473, Ray Armstrong, John Nolan.
U16 Management Team : Roy Butler 0879163777, Kevin Lawlor, Anthony Burke, Gerry O’ Toole.
Minor Management Team : Liam Kirwan 0858382093, Tony Maguire, Tom Mc Carthy, Cathal Kealy, Sean Mc Garr.
U21: Management Team: TBC

The officers of the club are currently in the process of securing sponsorships for all our teams and are delighted to welcome BAM Construction and Kevin Lawlor as the first to commit to the club.

The amalgamation will continue into 2018 with a Killard football panel being entered into Feile and U14 competitions in 2014.

We believe we are entering exciting and positive times for our clubs, players and members and should you have any questions regarding the above please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned.

Le meas,
Edmund Costello (Cathaoirleach) 0862430420 Gary Ryan (Rúnaí): 0863871473